How does poor indoor air quality effect your health and home?

The first phase to improve your indoor air quality is the removal of particles and allergens like dust, skin flakes, dust mite feces, pet dander, smoke, and hair.
The health benefits are the improvement of these conditions; runny nose, cough, sneezing, congestion, sore throat, asthma, and wheezing.
The improved equipment effects on your heating and air conditioning system with better filtration are the following; reduced compressor failures, improved air flow through indoor coils, more overall efficiency, less minor breakdowns.

The second phase to improve your indoor air quality is the removal of germs and infectious agents like viruses, bacteria, mold, flu virus, and pollen growth.
The health benefits are the improvement of these conditions; respiratory infection, throat and ear infection, bronchitis, pneumonia, and sinusitis.
The improved equipment effects on your heating and air conditioning system with better uv lights are the following; reduced dirty sock syndrome, removal of biological breading grounds, elimination of mold growth and clogged coils.

The third phase to improve your indoor air quality is the removal of chemical gases and odors like chemicals, pesticides, cleaning solvents, building materials, formaldehyde, benzene, and VOC’s.
The health benefits are the improvement of these conditions; headache, nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, lethargy, memory lapse, and lung problems.
The improved equipment effects on your heating and air conditioning system with better oxidizers are the following; indoor coil stability, extend equipment life, lower repair costs, and better efficiency.